Building a New Homestead

Building a New Homestead – Episode 1 – Clearing Site for Off Grid Homestead Using Tree Shear and Gehl RT105

After moving to the country 10 years ago and establishing our current homestead, we are planning to build an off grid home and establish a new homestead on a property about 3 miles from our current location. This is the first episode in what will be many videos on how it all happens. We are estimating 1-2 years before we actually move in.

In this episode I am clearing out buckthorn to open up the build site so we can at least conceptualize how things will be.

Lot’s of work to do in establishing the new homestead, including:

-Getting surveys done

-Town and county approvals

-Building a driveway, a really long one! 3300ft

-Making an off grid home -Building a garage

-Building a solar power array and off grid energy setup

-Fences for cows, goats, horses, and alpacas?

-Planting an orchard, vineyard, and wildflower garden

-Setting up a bee hive

-Transplanting my entire workshop and sawmill

-And likely…much much more!

I will try to be as transparent as possible with the steps involved and the costs associated with everything in case you decide to do this someday 🙂

Thanks for watching! driftlessinwi